Natalya Story
2 min readFeb 23, 2022
Natalya Story

Are you tired of schools teaching our kids irrelevant information using outdated methods?

School became a place of memorizing facts just long enough to get the A… doing the bare minimum just to get into college.

And then what?

Kids have no clue how to be happy…

What it takes to be successful…

They have no idea how to follow their dreams…

That’s why so many parents today choose to homeschool.

When modern schools came along, teaching every child to read and write, do simple math and imparting the basic facts of geography, history, and biology, they represented an immense improvement…

BUT now we live in the age of Information Overload, yet our schools:

  • focus on cramming as much information into our kids’ brains as possible
  • use memorization and repetition as their go-to methods
  • completely ignore that much of what they teach today will be irrelevant by 2040

The modern education system will teach our kids what to learn, BUT NOT:

  • how to learn…
  • how to focus…
  • how to concentrate…
  • ​how to be creative…
  • ​how to think for themselves or even…
  • ​how to remember the things they learn

That’s also why many parents choose to add Entrepreneurship to their kids’ education.

Because it is an amazing way to acquire life important skills for kids…

They develop a growth mindset

Entrepreneurship expands their capacity for taking on challenges…

They develop resilience and grit.

They learn to collaborate with others…

Understand marketing & financial literacy

They discover that mistakes are just feedback and master how to apply what they learn.

So when our son decided to become an entrepreneur at the age of 6 we were super excited.

And like any good parent would, we bought all the resources for kid entrepreneurs available.

But what we discovered is that none of them talked about:

  • Mindset…
  • Importance of Personal Habits
  • How to Focus…
  • How to Set Goals

You know…

The stuff that matters.

That is why me and my husband wrote My Kid Entrepreneur book for our own children.

And now our book just won the 2021 Book Of The Year Award in the Empowerment of Kids Category.

For a limited time only this book is available for FREE at

It’s our mission to empower game changers of tomorrow. Here is the thing, you don’t have to be an entrepreneur yourself to help your child. You can help by guiding your kids, by supporting their ideas and by getting the right resources.

Let’s be honest, it’s not so easy for kids to navigate through social media/google jungles with ads and targeting. Empower you kid with and give your child a FUTURE.

Natalya Story
Natalya Story

Written by Natalya Story

Entrepreneur. Author of “My Kid Entrepreneur”, “My Kid Entrepreneur Workbook”. Co-founder of The Limitless School. Mother of 2.

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